NIES-MCC | KU-MACC | Tree to Strain Japanese | English
Life / Eukarya / Amoebobiota / Amoebozoa

Tubulinea (Amoeba, Arcella, Hartmannella, Norandella, Leptomyxa, Echinamoeba etc.)
Dactylopodida (Vexillifera, Neoparamoeba, Paramoeba etc.)
Vannellida (Lingulamoeba, Platyamoeba, Vannella etc.) Dermamoebida (Dermamoeba etc.)
Acanthopodida (Acanthamoeba, Balamuthia etc.)
Himatismenida (Cochliopodium)
Gracilipodida (Filamoeba, Flamella)
Pellitida Pellita (Pellita)
Stygamoebida (Stygamoeba)
Thecamoebida (Thecamoeba, Sappinia, Platyamoeba etc.)
Trichosida (Trichosphaerium)
Holomastigida (Multicilia)
Phalansteriida (Phalanstelium)
Archamoebea (Entamoeba, Pelomyxa, Mastigamoeba etc.)
Schizoplasmodiida (Ceratiomyxella, Nematostelium, Schizoplasmodium)
Protosporangiida (Clastostelium, Protosporangium)
Fractovitellida (Grellamoeba, Soliformovum ‚Č‚Į)
Cavosteliida (Cavostelium, Schizoplasmodiopsis, Tychosporium)
Protosteliida (Protostelium, Planoprotostelium)
Dictyosteliomycetes (dictyostelids) (Dictyostelium, Acytostelium, Polysphondylium)
Ceratiomyxida (Ceratiomyca)
Myxomycetes (Myxogastrea) (Physarum, Trichia, Didymium, Hyperamoeba, Ceratiomyxa etc.)

  • Fiore-Donno A M, et al. (2009) Deep Phylogeny and Evolution of Slime Moulds (Mycetozoa), Protist, doi:10.1016/j.protis.2009.05.002
  • Lahr, D. J., Grant, J., Nguyen, T., Lin, J. H. & Katz, L. A. (2011) Comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction of amoebozoa based on concatenated analyses of SSU-rDNA and actin genes. PLoS One, 6: e22780.
  • Shadwick, L. L., Spiegel, F. W., Shadwick, J. D., Brown, M. W. & Silberman, J. D. (2009) Eumycetozoa= Amoebozoa?: SSUrDNA phylogeny of protosteloid slime molds and its significance for the amoebozoan supergroup. PLoS One 4: e6754.
  • Smirnov, A. V., Nassonova, E. S. & Cavalier-Smith, T. (2008) Correct identification of species makes the amoebozoan rRNA tree congruent with morphology for the order Leptomyxida Page 1987; with description of Acramoeba dendroida n. g., n. sp., originally misidentified as 'Gephyramoeba sp.' Eur. J. Protistol. 44: 35-44.
  • Tekle, Y. I., Grant, J., Cole, J., Nerad, T. A., Patterson, D. J., Anderson, O. R. & Katz, L. A. (2008) Phylogenetic placement of diverse amoebae inferred from multigene analysis and assessment of the stability of clades within 'Amoebozoaf upon removal of varying fast rate classes of SSU-rDNA. Mol. Phylog. Evol. 47: 339-352.