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Wheat Information Service
Number 92: 1-4 (2001)
Research article

Interlocus interaction of chlorina mutant genes cn-A1 and cn-D1 in near-isogenic lines of, spring wheat Novosibirskaya 67 (T. aestivum)

S. F. Koval, S. I. Baiborodin and V. D. Fedotova

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Department, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia


Genetic analysis of the near-isogenic lines ANK-32A (cn-A1) and ANK-32B (cn-D1) of spring soft wheat Novosibirskaya 67 is described. The data on interlocus interaction of these genes and their dosage effects are demonstrated. Chlorina genes are suggested as morphological markers of monosomics for seventh group chromosomes.

Key words: near-isogenic lines, aneuploids, chlorina, chloroplasts


Mutations cn-A1 (7AL), cn-B1 (7BL), and. cn-D1 (7DL) are useful genetic markers, therefore a detailed study of their expression is necessary. A dose effect of chlorina-1 (7AL) mutation in different combinations of the mutant gene and normal homoeologs was described (Pettigrew et al. 1969; Pettigrew and Driscoll 1970). Other authors (Washington and Sears 1970) believe that chlorina-1 mutation is corrected phenotypically m a hemizygous state. However, they report that this gene in the line chlorina-214 (marker of 7D chromosome) caused pale color of sprouts is hemizygous, and chlorina being homozygous. These works employed mutant Chinese Spring plants, so one cannot exclude that the dose effect observed stemmed from a specific genetic environment, in particular, different genetic background that might include other accompanying mutations. The interlocus interaction of mutant alleles of homologous chromosomes have not received enough attention too. To solve this problem, we have bred near-isogenic fines (NIL) marked with this trait and. studied their progeny in the crosses with monosomics. The goal of this work was to study the interlocus interactions of two genes, cn-A1 (7AL) and cn- D1 (7DL), which mark the near-isogenic lines ANK-32A and ANK-32B, respectively.

Materials and methods

Allelic states of certain genes in Novosibirskaya 67 (Triticum aestivum L.), were characterized in our previous publication (Koval 1999). Description of breeding of the set Of BC9 NIL And their complete catalogue is available in Koval (1997 ). The lines ANK-32A and ANK-32B, according to this catalogue, are marked with chlorina trait. They display yellow-greenish sprouts and retarded growth during the first half of the vegetation period. By the beginning of spike emergence (occurring 10 days later compared with the control), their color is already indistinguishable from the recurrent parent. The NIL ANK-30A, marked with the gene for enlarged glume Egl (7AL) was also used in the experiments.

(go to NO.92 Contents)