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Mendel Forum
(July 20-22, 1992 in Brno, Czechoslovakia)

This Forum will be held in honor of the 170th anniversary of birth of Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884).

Mendelianum Musei Moraviae, Gregor Mendel Genetical Society of the Czechoslovak Biological Association, Czechoslovak Socity of Medical Genetics of the Medical Association of J. E. Purkyne, and Czechoslovak Committee for the History of Science and Technology invite you to participate in the Mendel Forum to be held directly in the place where Mendel lived and worked, and to discuss the latest achievements in the following thematic groups: Concept of Gene, Interrelations between Molecular and Organismal Genetics, Acceptance of Mendel's theory in different countries, and Ethical problems in Genetics. English is working language. Contact the head of Mendelianum Musei Moraviae for detailed information:

Dr. Anna Matalova
Head, Mendelianum Musei Moraviae
Mendelovo namesti
603 00 Bruno

Forth International Workshop on Seeds. Basic and Applied Aspects of Seed Biology
(20-24 July, 1992 in Angers, France)

Place of the Meeting: Centre de Congres, 33 boulevard Carnot, 49100 Angers, France.

Travel to Angers: It is easy to get to Angers. By train, from Paris (gare Montparnasse); 11 trains per day. Journey time: 90 minutes. By road: 300 km from Paris.

Official Language: French and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided in all sessions.

Registration Final Date: 15 April, 1992 (increased charge after this date).

Date of final manuscript of oral communication and poster papers: 1, July, 1992.

For detailed information contact:
Professeur D. Come,
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
-Physiologie Vegetable Appliquee, Tour 53, ler etage
4, place Jussieu - 75252 Paris Cedex 05 - France
Tel: (33-1), Fax: (33-1), Telex: 200 145 UPMC SIX F

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