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Comparative efficiency of grouping methods in triticale.


Haryana agricultural University, Hissar India

Though the utility of genetic divergence among parents entering crosses has long been appreciated (ARUNACHALAM 1981), the choice of grouping method and estimating genetic diversity without making crosses continue to be a debatable issue. In that context, Metroglyph analysis, D2-statistic and Canonical roots have been used quite often. However, sporadic reports are available on this aspect in triticale. Present study deals with comparative efficiency of these three methods to classify base population and F1 hybrids involving parents selected from base polulation.

Materials and Methods

Base population comprising ecogeographically diverse 70 hexaploid triticale lines (experiment I) and 94 progenies including 18 females and 4 males selected from base population and 72 hybrids among them (experiment II) were evaluated in randomised block design with three replication. Observations on randomly selected five plants were recorded for 8 and 14 important characters related to plant growth, grain yield and grain quality attributes in experiment I and II, respectively. Following the analysis of variance, populations in both the experiments were classified using Metroglyph analysis (ANDERSON 1957), Tocher method and Canonical rotts (RAO 1952). Grouping was done in such a way that genotypes clustered in one group resembled with each other, while different groups could be delineated. Resemblence coefficients (%) for similarities in grouping pattern was computed for experiment I (Table 1) and experiment II (Table 2).

Results and Discussion

Substantial genetic variability in base population (exp. I) as well as parents and hybrids (exp. II), as evident from variance analysis warranted the utility of grouping genotypes.

Metroglyph analysis : The method recalls in reducing the quantitative variation into a sort of score and then showing it graphically. Number of tillers per plant and 1000 grain weight (g) being two important characters related to grain yield in triticale were used for plotting the glyphs.

Present address : Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breedig, University of Goettingen, F.R.G.
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