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Gene Catalogue 2013
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Catalogue of Gene Symbols

Gene Symbol detail

Gene Symbold
Class Level 1 Gametocidal Genes
Level 2 Gametocidal activity
Level 3
Level 4
Symbol Wild Type Gc3-C1
Synonyms Gc-C{1485}
Chromosomes 3C{333}
Germplasms ad:CS/Ae. triuncialis{338}
Comment Gc1-B1a, Gc1-B1b and Gc1-S1, classified in the same functional group, are hypostatic to the genes Gc2-S11a and Gc2-S11b. Gc3-C1 does not interact with the Gc genes in the other two groups.
In addition to these genes, chromosomes carrying gametocidal genes occur in Ae. caudata {337}, Ae. cylindrica {336} and other strains of Ae. longissima and Ae. sharonensis {335,1484}.
Gametocidal genes in chromosomes in the same homoeologous group have the same gametocidal action {0190}. In monosomic additions of chromosomes with gametocidal effects, chromosome deletions and translocations are produced in gametes not having the gametocidal genes. This feature has been exploited to isolate genetic stocks suitable for physical mapping of wheat {0191} chromosomes, and of rye {0192} and barley {0193,0194,0195} chromosomes in a wheat background.
Genes with gametocidal activity (Sd1 {1647} and Sd2 {1161}) in wheat are present in homoeologous group 7 chromosomes of Thinopyrum elongatum {653,1647}. A segment earlier believed to be derived from Thin. distichum {889,892} is probably the same as that from Thin. elongatum {1162}.
In the presence of both Sd1 and Sd2, Lr19 is transmitted preferentially in heterozygotes, the degree of distortion being determined by genetic background. In heterozygotes with the same background, and in the presence of only Sd2, Lr19 shows strong self-elimination. Based on these results, it seems likely that the Sears' translocation 7D-7Ag#7 does not carry Sd1 {939}.
See also Pollen Killer.

Related Reference
333 : Endo TR 1979
335 : Endo TR 1985
336 : Endo TR 1988
337 : Endo TR & Katayama Y 1978
338 : Endo TR & Tsunewaki K 1975
653 : Kibirige-Sebunya I & Knott DR 1983
889 : Marais GF 1990
892 : Marais GF 1992
939 : McIntosh RA
1161 : Prins R & Marais GF 1999
1162 : Prins R, Marais GF, Janse BJH, Pretorius ZA & Marais AS 1996
1484 : Tsujimoto H 1994
1485 : Tsujimoto H 1995
1647 : Zhang HB & Dvorak J 1990
0190 : Endo TR 1990
0191 : Endo TR & Gill BS 1996
0192 : Endo TR, Yamamoto M & Mukai Y 1994
0193 : Shi F & Endo TR 1997
0194 : Shi F & Endo TR 1999
0195 : Shi F & Endo TR 2000