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Symbol Chr.No Map Name Explanation Allele S R
SesB Allele Of Ses
SesC Allele Of Ses
Sesn Allele Of Ses
Set 1 35.5 Soft and elongated trunk MNU-induced;sixth and seventh segments of larva (and pupa) elongated, intersegmental folds fully stretched; hemizygous female lethal in embryo. 1
sf ? ? Spontaneous;eggs small and spindle shaped. sterile as sm.
sk 4 41.1 stick Spontaneous;larval body slender, firm to touch and less flexible like a stick. 2
sku 22 19.3 skunk Spontaneous;larvae and feces stink terribly due to iso-valeric acid, larvae mature and spin thin cocoons and die before pupation, after cocoon spinning started larvae cannot excrete toxic iso-valeric acid into feces and hence large amounts of the acid accumulated in hemolymph. See also l-li. 1
Sl Supernumerary legs
Sl-v 21 19.4 v-Supernumerary legs Spontaneous;extra-legs on fifth segment, penetrance low; homozygotes die as embryos with additive extra-legs on tenth segment. 1
Slg 15 ? Slow growing Spontaneous;homozygotes die as embryos, larval development of heterozygotes retarded about one week compared with normal, apt to produce pentamolters; chromosomal deficiency including bl locus: SlgD(発育遅延D, Slow-growing deformed crescents, X-ray induced) like Slg but crescents small and deformed. 1
SlgD 15 ? Allele Of Slg 1
slo oligospermy
slp degenerated penis muscle
sls abnormal spermatophore
sm 3 41.8 small egg Spontaneous;eggs extremely small and almost spherical; sterile lacking proteinaceous yolk sphere within, vitellogenin present in pupal hemolymph but scarcely transported into oocyte: smn(無卵, eggless) homozygotes produce no egg in well developed ovarioles, oocytes degenerated due to abnormal differentiation and function of follicle cells. 4
sm-2 13 0 small egg 2 Spontaneous;like sm, eggs small and sterile. 1
sm-3 7 4.5 small egg 3 1
sm-n ? ? eggless Spontaneous;similar to sm.
Sme 2 ? Dominant small egg X-ray induced;homo-lethal.
smn 3 41.8 Allele Of sm 2
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