25. Linkage map for Nishimura's chromosome 8

Nobuo IWATA, Hikaru SATOH and Atsushi YOSHIMURA

Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Hakozaki, Fukuoka, 812 Japan

Based on conventional linkage analysis and experiments with reciprocal translocations and trisomics, we have so far reported nine marker genes belonging to linkage group X which corresponds to Nishimura's chromosome 8, i.e., bl-1 (brown leaf spot-1), bc-3 (brittle culm-3), d-29 (short uppermost-internode dwarf), d-30 (waisei-shirasasa dwarf), d-32 (dwarf Kyushu-4), gh-2 (gold hull-2), gh-3 (gold hull-3), spl-2 (spotted leaf-2) and tri (triangular hull) (Iwata and Omura 1971, 1977, 1984; Iwata et al. 1978, 1984). However, an elaborate linkage map with gene order of these genes has not been obtained as yet.

Linkage relations were observed between some of these marker genes and a newly induced chlorina mutant obtained by treating fertilized egg cells with N- methly-N-nitrosourea (MNU). The mutant showed yellowish leaves throughout the growing period and the recessive gene it carries was assigned the gene symbol chl-10. The linkage relations between chl-10, gh-3 and d-32 and with other marker genes on the same chromosome are given in Table 1. The loose linkage relation between gh-3 and d-32 with a recombination value of 38.3% was reconfirmed by using translocations. The sequence of the 10 genes including chl-10 has thus been clarified and the linkage map obtained is shown in Fig. 1.

Table 1.Linkage relations of three genes with other marker genes
         on Nishimura's chromosome 8 (linkage group X)
                   Segregation mode in F2
Gene pair   Phase ________________________Recombination value(%)
                   AB  Ab  aB  ab  Total
chl-10-d-29  C    681 132 175 118  1106  33.7±1.8
  -tri       R     66  25  28   2   121  27.9±8.3
  -bc-2      C    615  73  67 132   887  18.0±1.5
  -bl-1      R    291 115 122   2   530  14.3±4.2(19.5±3.O)R,F3
  -gh-3      R    537 218 217   4   976  14.9±3.1(15.4±1.8)R,F3
  -d-32      R    256  85  92  13   446  38.4±4.0(41.0±3.3)R,F3
  -gh-2      R    130  44  42   3   219  30.3±6.1
  -spl-2     R    246  75  71   9   401  39.3±4.2
  gh-3-d-29  R    400 164 114  23   701  39.8±3.1
  -tri       C    784 194 187 122  1287  36.9±1.8(36.9±1.7)C,R
             R     90  25  42   5   162  37.4±6.7
  -bc-3      R    406 150 152   1   709   9.9±3.7(12.0±3.1)R,F3
  -bl-1      C   1446 255 275 295  2271  27.2±1.1(26.8±1.1)C,R
             R    202  94 102   4   402  19.5±4.8
  -d-32      C   1435 325 337 189  2286  37.6±1.3(38.3±1.2)C,R
             R    467 162 151  29   809  41.9±2.9
  -d-30      R    224  76  67   9   376  37.9±4.4
  -spl-2     R    106  23  28  15   172  62.2±4.9
d-32-d-29    R    186  56  56  21   319  53.1±4.1
  -tri       R    663 196 228  68  1155  50.1±2.2
  -bc-3      R    229  73  57  26   385  54.9±3.6
  -bl-1      R   1259 390 373 129  2151  48.4±1.6
  -d-30      R    278 110 139   4   531  18.2±4.2
  -gh-2      R    621 248 211  42  1122  40.2±2.5
C:Coupling, R: Repulsion
Values in parentheses: Weighted means calculated from F2 and F3 
data, or from coupling and repulsion F2 data.

In this note, the symbols for three dwarfing genes, d-29, d-30 and d-32, recommended by RGC, are used in place of our original symbols, d-K-1, d- W and d-K-4, respectively.


Iwata, N. and T. Omura, 1971. Linkage analysis by reciprocal translocation method in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) II. Linkage groups corresponding to the chromosomes 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 25: 137-153 (in Japanese with English summary).

Iwata, N. and T. Omura, 1977. Linkage studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.) On some mutants derived from chrnic gamma irradiation. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 21: 117-127.

Iwata, N. and T. Omura, 1984. Studies on the trisomics in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) VI. An accomplishment of a trisomic series in japonica rice plants. Jpn. J. Genet. 59: 199-204.

Iwata, N., T. Omura and H. Satoh, 1978. Linkage studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.). On some mutants for physiological leaf spots. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 22: 243-251.

Iwata, N., H. Satoh and T. Omura, 1984. The relationships between chromosomes identified cytologically and linkage groups. RGN 1: 128-132.