
Strain information
Strain ID TG1566
Strain Name LCE^mAzamiGreen
Strain Type Transgenics
Characteristics A knock-in strain by intergrading a transgenic construct containing Linker-mAzamiGreen-SV40polyA into the sixth intron of the lce (low choriolytic enzyme) gene using CRISPR/Cas system. The green fluorescent protein (GFP) mAzami-Green is fused to the C-terminal end of the hatching enzyme protein LCE. At the later develeopmental stages, GFP expression is observed in the hatching gland.
Special affairs [Address] ■ No additional conditions required.
Category Transgenic strains
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by NIBB
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lce_GenomicSeq-C-terminal_Linker-mAG-SV40pA in pUC19

GFP expression pattern in the embryos of knock-in strain LCELinker-mAG from the ventral (left) and frontal (right) views. Dotted lines indicate the positions of eyes.
