Strain information
Strain ID TG1002
Strain Name Tg(PBiP-EGFP)5
Strain Type Transgenics
Characteristics BiP is Hsp70 family protein in the ER. In response to ER stress, transcription of BiP is upregulated. The expression level of BiP reflects the level of ER stress. Tg(PBiP-EGFP)5 shows lower signal than Tg(PBiP-EGFP)1-4.
Notes Since the deposited strain was a XX male of dmy(-), we will provide fertilized eggs artificially inseminated with X sperm. Please note that the next generation will all be female. In order to maintain the lineage after the next generation, please breed with males of the other strains such as Cab line.
The strain's reference is not avaible. Please try again at a later time.
Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall include the name(s) of following researcher(s) as co-authors in the first PUBLICATION. (Name(s) of researcher(s): Tokiro Ishikawa and Kazutoshi Mori)
Category Transgenic strains
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Frozen sperm in NIBB
Deposited by Kyoto University
Order Request

TG998-1002_Transgene map


1dpf fish without ER stress reagent Tm (-), and same fish after treatment of Tm 2ug/ml 24hour(+)
