
Strain information
Strain ID TG1088
Strain Name cxcr4b^L88P-Tg(olvas-GFP)
Strain Type Transgenics
Special affairs [Address] ■ The RECIPIENT shall refer the following publication in any PUBLICATIONS.
(Name of the Publication: Tanaka, M., Kinoshita, M., Kobayashi, D., & Nagahama, Y. (2001). Establishment of medaka (Oryzias latipes) transgenic lines with the expression of green fluorescent protein fluorescence exclusively in germ cells: a useful model to monitor germ cells in a live vertebrate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98(5), 2544-2549. )
Category Transgenic strains
Organization National Institute for Basic Biology
Deposited by National Institute for Basic Biology
Order Under preparation
for distribution
