chimpanzee : Takashi

GAIN ID numberGAIN ID number
We assinged GAIN original IDs based on the domestic studbook numbers.
:0316    (2012-10-23Updated)
International studbook number: -

Name Takashi
Sex Male
Species or Subspecies P. t. verus
Date of birth 1988.04.30
Place of birth Kumamoto Sanctuary, Kyoto University
Current facility Kyoto City Zoo
Father Hajime
Mother Nozomi
The individual is timid. He often walks with two legs (in the days of Kumamoto Primate Research Park, Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co., Ltd). He is the sole male in his group. He is handsome and also kind to females and zookeepers. He is cowardly and cautious. He is undependable in some sense.
Life history
1988.04.30 Takashi was born at SANWA KAGAKU KENKYUSHO
1990.12.18 moved to Kaketsuken
1993.06.08 Takashi moved to SANWA KAGAKU KENKYUSHO
2009.03.25 Takashi moved to Kyoto City Zoo with Yoko  {0329} , Koiko  {0281} , and Suzumi  {0556} .
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Research results using samples from this individual

Selection of Apes